Thursday, March 7, 2013

I have been reading in Job recently because this is where my reading plan has led me. BTW, if you are looking for an awesome reading plan I highly recommend the one called M'cheyne reading plan and can be found at Robert Murray M'Cheyne was an incredible man and yet only lived to the age of 30.

Anyway, back to my reading; in Job 34:3-4 you will read for the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food. Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good. Testing words and discernment may be a very difficult task for those with what we call an "auditory processing" deficit. There are many children in the world today with disabilities that prevent them from fully understanding what they hear or sometimes see, which is a "visual processing" deficit. One of the first steps toward intervention is identification. Without identification children are frustrated and they think they are less capable than their peers. Self-esteem starts to drop and eventually depression may set in. Their parents start to wonder why they are not learning at a pace that seems to be with other children the same age. It could be that auditory processing is not the problem but maybe it is it's look alike cousin "inattention" is the blame.

This puts a bit more definition to what I am attempting to do in Central Asia, I deeply hope to be able to provide identification and intervention ideas to parents and teachers as well as identify children's learning profile. Please join me on this mission as a support partner so that not only this trek is profitable to many children but others in the future.

Thanks for continuing to follow my adventure out of the country in just a few weeks from now. I hope to be able to provide updates and pictures along the way.

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