Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I like this picture as it has all the details exposed properly, it holds a level of excitement for me as I love the celebration that is obviously going on. I love the reflection of light and buildings and the deep blue color of the sky as it goes from blue to near black. I would love to discuss some of the analogies that this pictures brings but that will have to wait till another time.

Today I must have scanned nearly 200 pages from varies manuals that I will take with me in my computer since I will be limited on weight for the trip. Once it is all scanned it needs to be organized and put into a useable form, wow, what a time consuming job but I really love it.

A friend asked me tonight how I was feeling about the upcoming trip and I mentioned that my fear was that I would not have thought of the right material to take with me. He graciously reminded me that all I really needed was myself. Mike is so right, my job really is to go and be an encouragement to others and if by chance I am able to help some students along the way, well then we have icing on the cake. It is funny how this is what I already knew but yet I need reminding.

It is less than two weeks till takeoff and many things have come together, I finished up my immunizations today, got foreign currency from the bank, and enjoyed encouraging words from friends. What a great day.

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