Thursday, March 21, 2013

What an incredible answer and pleasure it was to learn today that almost all the funds needed for this trip has arrived. Thank you to all who have provided financial help and thank you to all who are providing prayer support. Joyce and I have talking about this initial trek as our trial run since this will be the first time either of us has gone out to implement the vision we have had for a number of years now. In some ways we think this trek will be somewhat an indicator of direction and course correction to our vision. It is very exciting to see how the plan is working out one step at a time and on a need-to-know basis, meaning He will let us know as we need. I find great pleasure in all of this.

One thing that has impacted me lately is the Father's "pleasure". So many references talk about not only His pleasure but His "good" pleasure. Although I have not read this specifically but I can't help but think that a colorful sunrise or sunset is one of those things that brings this type of pleasure to Him. I think about this in the morning while driving to work and watching the sun come up. So tomorrow when you get out of bed think about how to look for all the things that cross your path that bring Him pleasure.

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