Thursday, March 21, 2013

What an incredible answer and pleasure it was to learn today that almost all the funds needed for this trip has arrived. Thank you to all who have provided financial help and thank you to all who are providing prayer support. Joyce and I have talking about this initial trek as our trial run since this will be the first time either of us has gone out to implement the vision we have had for a number of years now. In some ways we think this trek will be somewhat an indicator of direction and course correction to our vision. It is very exciting to see how the plan is working out one step at a time and on a need-to-know basis, meaning He will let us know as we need. I find great pleasure in all of this.

One thing that has impacted me lately is the Father's "pleasure". So many references talk about not only His pleasure but His "good" pleasure. Although I have not read this specifically but I can't help but think that a colorful sunrise or sunset is one of those things that brings this type of pleasure to Him. I think about this in the morning while driving to work and watching the sun come up. So tomorrow when you get out of bed think about how to look for all the things that cross your path that bring Him pleasure.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I like this picture as it has all the details exposed properly, it holds a level of excitement for me as I love the celebration that is obviously going on. I love the reflection of light and buildings and the deep blue color of the sky as it goes from blue to near black. I would love to discuss some of the analogies that this pictures brings but that will have to wait till another time.

Today I must have scanned nearly 200 pages from varies manuals that I will take with me in my computer since I will be limited on weight for the trip. Once it is all scanned it needs to be organized and put into a useable form, wow, what a time consuming job but I really love it.

A friend asked me tonight how I was feeling about the upcoming trip and I mentioned that my fear was that I would not have thought of the right material to take with me. He graciously reminded me that all I really needed was myself. Mike is so right, my job really is to go and be an encouragement to others and if by chance I am able to help some students along the way, well then we have icing on the cake. It is funny how this is what I already knew but yet I need reminding.

It is less than two weeks till takeoff and many things have come together, I finished up my immunizations today, got foreign currency from the bank, and enjoyed encouraging words from friends. What a great day.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The time is getting close, two weeks from today I will be starting my tasks in Central Asia and am very excited about the trip. However, I must say it is a bit unnerving to think about being in a major city and airport where English is not the language of choice. Once I have done it I will be fine as with most things. I have had several financial donations which is very helpful and a real answer, thanks so much to those who have donated. The one that was fun was a friend gave me a handful of foreign currency, which is exactly what I needed. In fact I will be going to the bank to pick up a currency order I placed last week. Now, as I mentioned in my last post I have a few more fun facts, enjoy.

China is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada, and the U.S.). It has an area of 3,719,275 square miles (slightly smaller than the U.S.) and its borders with other countries total more than 117,445 miles. Approximately 5,000 islands lie off the Chinese coast.

One in every five people in the world is Chinese. China’s population is four times that of the United States.

Fortune cookies are not a traditional Chinese custom. They were invented in 1920 by a worker in the Key Heong Noodle Factory in San Francisco.

China is also known as the “Flowery Kingdom” and many of the fruits and flowers (such as the orange and orchid) are now grown all over the world.

Friday, March 8, 2013

I thought it would be interesting to bring historical facts about Asian countries. Here are the first two.
  1. The modern word “China” most likely derives from the name of the Qin (pronounced “chin”) dynasty. First Emperor Qin Shi Huang (260-210 B.C.) of the Qin dynasty first unified China in 221 B.C., beginning an Imperial period which would last until A.D. 1912.
  2. China is often considered the longest continuous civilization, with some historians marking 6000 B.C. as the dawn of Chinese civilization. It also has the world’s longest continuously used written language.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I have been reading in Job recently because this is where my reading plan has led me. BTW, if you are looking for an awesome reading plan I highly recommend the one called M'cheyne reading plan and can be found at Robert Murray M'Cheyne was an incredible man and yet only lived to the age of 30.

Anyway, back to my reading; in Job 34:3-4 you will read for the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food. Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good. Testing words and discernment may be a very difficult task for those with what we call an "auditory processing" deficit. There are many children in the world today with disabilities that prevent them from fully understanding what they hear or sometimes see, which is a "visual processing" deficit. One of the first steps toward intervention is identification. Without identification children are frustrated and they think they are less capable than their peers. Self-esteem starts to drop and eventually depression may set in. Their parents start to wonder why they are not learning at a pace that seems to be with other children the same age. It could be that auditory processing is not the problem but maybe it is it's look alike cousin "inattention" is the blame.

This puts a bit more definition to what I am attempting to do in Central Asia, I deeply hope to be able to provide identification and intervention ideas to parents and teachers as well as identify children's learning profile. Please join me on this mission as a support partner so that not only this trek is profitable to many children but others in the future.

Thanks for continuing to follow my adventure out of the country in just a few weeks from now. I hope to be able to provide updates and pictures along the way.