Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Joyce and I have talked with a very kind man from Wycliffe over the last several months about an eventual relationship with them. Tonight I received a phone call from him wanting us to get to know a few other people, one of which is currently living in a large city in my destination country next month. I am planning and hoping to have some time over dinner one night to get to know and enjoy time with him. How encouraging to be able to develop friends and build relationships like this all over the world. I can't help but think that this is no accident that the phone call came in at this time.

Now that I have airline tickets and my Visa, the many details are heavy on me as I try to make sure I have not left something important out. Please pray for the details as well as support that is still needed for the trek.

I also have to mention that I have started reading a very interesting book called, "Third Culture Kids" by Pollock and Reken. The book takes a look at children of expatriates, missionaries, military personnel and others who live abroad. With a significant number of their developmental years spent outside their country of passport. These TCK's must create their own, unique culture, a third culture that is different from their country of origin and their current country of residence. This situation can have adversarial impact on emotions, cognitive development, education, confidence and relationships. The more I think and read about this the more I realize I have to learn. Therefore, not all learning problems in children are a result of a neurological learning disability.

Thank you for your interest, support and time to read,

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Just a quick update on my upcoming to Central Asia:

File:Typhoid carrier polluting food - a poster.jpgTraveling a long distance takes a good bit of planning that includes the typical things such as what to pack in the suitcase so it is not over 50 pounds. The thing that could be very easy to forget about is how to stay healthy. I just got off the phone with my medical provider reviewing a plan for immunizations. It is so interesting to be asked about things such as chicken pox and medication allergies. I learned that I should get Hepatitis A and B, the B part is a weekly injection for several weeks. I should also get a Typhoid immunization and an antibiotic. It is a good thing I called when I did. I really didn't know much about Typhoid so I did a little research and found a piture of Mary that kinda explains how it is communicated.

Right now I am currently waiting on my Visa to be returned, this may take a bit more time. I have a good number of my psychology testing manuals and stimulus books copied into digital form which is time consuming but will save a lot of weight by not having to take heavy materials. This will also be more interesting for the kids to see stuff on a computer or iPad.

Thanks again for your support,

Saturday, February 2, 2013

International School

Dear Friends and Family,

I have been invited to visit an International school in central Asia where English speaking students are offered a quality education but do not have access to services that would allow their parents to understand their learning style or any potential learning disabilities. The last time an educational psychologist was able to visit the school was over three years ago. I have worked in education for many years as a school psychologist and special education administrator and have been invited to conduct psycho-educational assessments to those students that are having learning difficulties. I will be leaving around the end of March for about two weeks.
The Purpose:
The children that attend the International School are mostly children of English speaking parents largely from the United States. For some of these families the only psycho-educational services they would be able to receive is here in the United States where it would be offer free of charge by their local school district. Therefore, I have decided to take these services to them. It is my hope that no worker or church planter would need to leave their current assignment due to this type of assessment need, yet some do.

Prayer Support:
I would like to invite you to partner with me on this ministry trip as a prayer supporter which is my most important desire. I need people to pray for me as I prepare for this trip, while I am there, and after I return home. Please know that your prayer support would be the most valuable gift to me.

Going to central Asia is not an easy task. Just getting a visa can be a monumental task that requires an invitation and purchased airline tickets. These tasks require detail, lots of preparation, and of course a good bit of money. Therefore, I am asking you to consider being a part of my prayer team which means that I will be posting updates on this blog site. Updates on this blog can be followed simply by using the link at the bottom of the page which allows you to subscribe and be notified of updates.

Financial Support:
I am also praying that some of you will be able to support me financially. The cost of this trip is around $2,000, and I would truly appreciate any size gift. In whatever way you are able to participate in sending me to serve in central Asia. For those contributing financially, please pray and ask God for the amount that He desires. Donations are tax deductible. When sending a gift, please do not write my name on a check, simply enclose my name on a separate piece of paper with the gift, and send to:
The Grove Community Church
c/o Outreach - Brad Trottman
19900 Grove Community Dr.
Riverside, CA 92508

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this trek. May God bless you to be a blessing to others.

For His Glory, 
Brad Trottman
8434 Syracuse St. 
Riverside, CA 92508
Cell: 951-567-3641