Friday, April 19, 2013

I have had a lot of comments and questions about this image that I took a few weeks ago such as, why is it so colorful, how did you take this at night, and where were you. I love it when someone asks me about my photography and even more when they like one of my images. But the important thing about this picture is that the hundreds and hundreds of people that live in homes and apartments within the boundaries of this picture are not likely saved. They have not likely heard about the incredible love that Christ has for them. While I was in Asia my constant prayer was for home churches and groups to develop in this city. And while this looks like a big city it is a fairly remote place that had not a single building over 7 floors less than 10 years ago. There are over 2 million that live here but less than 600 expats. I also realized just how many cities there are like this all over the world. The harvest is there, we just need workers and support for those workers. Joyce and I are committed to being a part of the support for those who need help by providing information with educational decisions for their children, working with their children to determine educational needs. This city, and many like it, need your prayer and the world needs your help and support. Consider going or giving and praying for those working hard to bring good news. The next time someone approaches you to listen to their presentation to raise support please listen and prayerfully consider the blessing that may be in store for you as you help another worker get going.

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